Ron - 2022-11-30
On Thursday I was putting together a presentation of my artwork Fifteen pieces, ten copies of each Disaster struck that afternoon when my printer went down. A friend and I spent Thursday and Friday morning trying to clear the printer error without success. We started to call copy centres, one quoted $7.50 per copy, another $5.00 resulting In bills of $750 Or more. Scanning the internet we dIscovered UPS did copy service. A phone call to a very nice salesgirl brought us to her confirming with the manager. We were providing paper. She would call back by 12:30. Right on time she called to say it was approved for $104.00. It ended up $160 due to us leaving one package of paper at home. My friend delivered the images and within a half hour he was back home The resulting presentation was A OVERWHELMING SUCCESS AND NUMEROUS COMMENTS ON THE QUALITY OF THE FINISHED MATERIAL We told anyone who would listen OF THE EXCELLENT SERVICE YOU PROVIDED Thank you for your understanding of our predicament, and your willIngness to help us out. YOU MADE MY DAY A MEMORABLE ONE AND I WILL ADVISE ANYONE WHO WANTS TOP RATE COPYING SHOULD SEEK YOU OUT Thank you Ron Cross AOCA Artist in residence