Track & Trace your parcel packages status in Canada

Real time tracking your parcel packages status in Canada. Supports ex. Canada Post, USPS, UPS, Purolator, FedEx, DHL, Pitney Bowes, Canpar , Intelcom, TForce, Loomis, Dicom, Day & Ross, Old Dominion and more

Track your parcel

Enter your Tracking Number (AWB or Waybill)

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All-in-One Parcel Status and Tracking in Canada

With the rise of e-commerce and online shopping, tracking parcels has become an essential aspect of the online purchasing experience. The "All-in-One Parcel Status and Tracking in Canada" website provides a consolidated platform for Canadians to track their parcels from multiple carriers effortlessly. Whether you're awaiting a package from a major national carrier or a smaller courier service, our platform brings all the tracking information to your fingertips.

How to Use the Website

  1. Visit the Website: Navigate to our homepage. No sign-up or registration is required.
  2. Enter Tracking Number: Locate the tracking number provided by your carrier or online merchant. Input this number into the search bar.
  3. Select the Carrier (Optional): If you know the specific carrier, you can select it from the dropdown. However, our intelligent system often recognizes the carrier based on the tracking number format, so this step is optional.
  4. Hit 'Track': Click on the track button and wait for a few seconds. Our platform will fetch real-time information regarding your parcel's status and display it.
  5. View Results: You will see detailed information, including the current status, previous locations, estimated delivery date, and more.
  • Consolidated Tracking: No need to visit multiple websites or install various apps. Track all your parcels from a single platform.
  • Intuitive Interface: The website is designed with users in mind, ensuring a seamless and straightforward tracking experience.
  • Real-time Updates: Get up-to-date information about your package's location and delivery status. Stay informed every step of the way.
  • Carrier Recognition: Our system automatically detects most carriers based on tracking numbers, eliminating guesswork.
  • Secure: We value your privacy. The platform ensures that your tracking information and personal details are kept confidential and are not shared with third parties.
  • Free of Charge: Use our platform without any fees. We believe that tracking your parcels should be a hassle-free experience.
Last reviews


Shelley D Wedderburn - 1/13/2025 23:48:55

parcel has not been delivered.


Graham Wyatt - 1/13/2025 1:39:50

Driver said he came to the door but no one to receive parcel but we was in all day he never came to the door or phoned us. The driver is not fit to be a driver


PAULA SAMPSON - 1/11/2025 20:37:21

packages has been in Grand Falls Windsor since Dec. 29 and still not delivered.


pete - 1/10/2025 19:12:38

refused tracking info on your site


Danny - 1/6/2025 20:26:33

Get out of the courier business you suck


COLLEEN - 1/6/2025 1:30:40



COLLEEN - 1/6/2025 1:29:08



Bob Zarichansky - 1/4/2025 2:54:46

You are paid to deliver my parcel. Thee is no excuse in 2025 for 1754 answers. Modernize or go out of business.


Bob Zarichansky - 1/4/2025 2:52:17

Do I have to stay awake 24 hours each day by my phone for the next week without leaving my home? Your sense of care and consideration is abysmal.


Todd Sigurdson - 1/4/2025 1:18:26

Make an appointment please Most people work

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