Loomis Express

Loomis Express Branches in Yukon

Loomis Express is a leading Canada-based courier company that offers delivery services to customers across Yukon, Canada. This article provides information about the branches, services, tracking, and contact details of Loomis Express Canada.

Loomis Express Track your parcel

Enter your Tracking Number (AWB or Waybill)

ex. LQJ9H3L6AARXPB111042

Loomis Express Near Me

Loomis Express is a leading Canadian-based courier company that offers delivery services to customers across Yukon, Canada. The business headquarters are located in Toronto, Ontario, while the other branch offices are found in Whitehorse and Dawson City. Here is a quick overview of the branches and locations of Loomis Express in Yukon, Canada.

Offices & Locations:

  • Whitehorse Branch Office – Whitehorse, Yukon
  • Dawson City Branch Office – Dawson City, Yukon

To find an office near you, visit this page and type "Loomis Express" in the search box.


At its Yukon offices, Loomis Express provides a wide range of services, including parcel delivery, express shipping, ground shipping, freight forwarding, and international shipping. The company also offers direct delivery, secure payment solutions, and real-time tracking.


Loomis Express customers can track their packages in real-time by visiting this page. All you need is your package's tracking number or the sender's name.

Contact Details

For more information about Loomis Express services in Yukon, please contact them by calling the toll-free number 1-855-256-6647 or visiting their website at https://www.loomisexpress.com/loomship/Home/Home.

Branches and offices in Yukon